My name is Deni Schwiebert. I am an Avon Independent Sales Representative and Avon Success Recruiter. Our Avon Success-line is a very active group. We have a Yahoo user group where we share information and help each other to succeed. I am also available by telephone, email, and through the user group to help all of my recruits. When you are successful, so am I.
You can sell Avon as a part time business and make a little extra spend money, or you can be a full time Sales Rep and Recruiter like I am and make a very comfortable living. There are people in our district who make over 250,000 profit per year. Yes, they have been selling for a few years and they have built their business well. This is a sales career and reputation matters. You may hear negative stories about Avon, but they are usually from people who signed up and then did not put forth any effort. You DO NOT have to invest in inventory, like some other company's require, you do have to invest the effort. With all that being said, you can make as much income as you want/need with Avon. I support myself solely with my Avon business.
5 million Women and Men worldwide are doing this. Why not you?
I can get you started almost immediately.
Follow this link and enter your Reference Code DSCHWIEBERT.
Enter your information on the form.
As soon as I receive confirmation from Avon that you are assigned to my group, I will forward additional information to you including an invitation to join our Yahoo group.
I look forward to working with you,
Ms. Deni Schwiebert
Independent Sales Representative and Avon Success Recruiter.
Im looking for jobs that can be worked from home please tell me some examples.?
Find something that you love as a hobby and monetize it. I love $1 dollar auctions and I am happy quite a few have sprang up lately on the net. What I do is that I buy from some of these $1 dollar auction sites and resell on eBay! or other auction sites and make a good profit. There are so many things that sell for as little as 99c that you can go on to sell for up to $20. There are a few expenses associated with selling items online which may be overlooked. These may include seller fees, PayPal fees, shipping to your customer and shipping supplies. It all adds up and it will pay to do a bit of homework before you get into it.
Go to: http://www.webauctionsdaily.com.
Reply:You can start your own online store. I don't know what site to recommend so I would suggest doing a little research.
Whatever you do don't get involved into an obvious scam "hint" some of the other answers.
Reply:Party Planning! Fun to do!
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